Women In Roofing Day, Jan 30th
NWiR Day 2022: January 30th in New Orleans
National Women in Roofing (NWIR) is hosting a one-day conference in New Orleans, Louisiana on January 30th. By attending, you will connect, discover, and cultivate new relationships with roofing professionals. View the program here!
The fifth annual NWiR Day is the premier conference for multidisciplinary women professionals in the roofing industry to get together to learn about the latest business strategies and tactics and share their secrets to success. Connect with professional, like-minded, good-spirited women from all facets of the roofing industry and experience insight, inspiration, and fun.
NWiR recognizes that many men are equal partners to our mission of empowering women in the roofing industry; for that reason membership has been open to men since the original membership launch in June of 2016. Most of the time, NWiR events are inclusive of all genders. However, there is a unique perspective and experience that women in roofing have that is not necessarily shared by men, and it aligns with the need in our industry to mentor, educate, network and recruit women into roofing. It also provides a safe space for conversation.
For more information go to NationalWomenInRoofing.org