Fall Roof Maintenance – Get Ready for Winter!

The days are getting colder, and the rains have started here in the Pacific Northwest. Which means it’s time for Fall Roof Maintenance. Performing precautionary maintenance before the months of rain, and potential ice and snow, is a great way to prolong the lifespan of your commercial roof and to make sure you are prepared for the winter months ahead. At Wayne’s Roofing, we can’t stress enough how important it is to have your roof examined and touched up before winter hits. We also want to remind you that having a professional check your roof is not only the best way to ensure your roof is protected, it’s also the Safest Way!

Why It’s Safest to Hire a Pro

Roof safety practices can easily be overlooked by building owners/managers who don’t deal with the roof the way a roofing contractor would. Many building owners don’t know what the current OSHA requirements are. Our roofing inspectors know how to check for any issues in the safest way possible. Wayne’s Roofing, Inc. received the lowest experience modification rating (EMR) in the Washington Southern district and was recently recognized for maintaining a 19-year average EMR of .65.

An EMR helps determine the price of worker compensation insurance premiums. For construction, insurance companies use this score to understand past cost of injuries to determine risk levels and premiums. An average EMR is 1.0.

With an EMR rating of .52, Wayne’s Roofing is considered one of the safest contractors in Washington.

Common Roof Hazards

Professional commercial roofers know how to ensure anyone on or inspecting a roof is safe. Safety precautions are particularly important when roofs are wet, or weather is a factor. Here are some common roof hazards a professional is equipped to handle.

  • Skylights – These roof windows can be lovely from the inside, but dangerous while working on a roof. Always be sure a safety precaution is in place when working near a skylight.

  • Soft decks – Soft spots in the roof deck can be caused by long-term water damage and can buckle when someone walks on them which can be very dangerous.

  • Steep Slope Roofs – Workers who are not equipped and trained for this type of work are at great risk for injury. If working with a steep roof, always hire a professional.

  • Access and Edges – When working on a roof it’s important to be mindful of the edge while looking for roof damage. And always abide by OSHA roof safety requirements for fixed roof access ladders and other access methods, when getting on or off a roof.

  • Hatch and Vent Covers – Roof hatches and automatic smoke vents sometimes have translucent covers so they can double as skylights. Be sure they are protected and avoided while working on a roof.

Things to Look for During Inspection

Performing safe and regular inspections of your commercial roof is a good way to assess any damage before winter arrives. Doing this seasonally will help prevent future damage and is good practice when owning a commercial business. We check for any visible tears, leaks, debris, or bubbling that may have formed. If issues go unresolved throughout the winter, your building will be exposed to unwanted moisture that can lead to costly repairs down the line. Additionally, damage to your roof may expand during the winter months when exposed to excessive rain, wind, ice and snow. Fixing issues now will save you time and money in the future. Here are some common roof issues we check for.

  • Excess Debris – Excess debris on your roof can result in moisture build-up that can cause major problems in the future. Debris can clog drains, cause mold, and add excess weight to your roof if left unchecked.

  • Membrane Separation or Trapped Moisture – This is commonly found on flat roofs, particularly spots where the membrane has peeled back, eroded, or bubbling has occurred. These areas should be addressed as soon as possible as they can cause leaks and result in mold.

  • Gutters and Trees – It’s important to make sure gutters are doing their job properly. During the winter additional debris, ice or snow can fill the gutters and freeze. By cleaning your gutters in the fall, you’ll know they are ready for winter. And trimming any nearby branches or trees will result in less debris from forming on your roof, which can cause excess weight.

Set Up Your Roof Maintenance Today Wayne’s Roofing Is Here to Help!

Maintaining a relationship with a professional roofing contractor is the best way to protect your roof. A roofing contractor’s hands-on experience and knowledge of different types of roofing systems make them the ideal candidate for repairing and/or maintaining/managing your roof system.

As an essential business, we are available to assist with you roof repair issues. In some cases, we even act as the eyes and ears on the ground – or on the roof in our case – for facility managers who may have to work remotely or are unable to access roofs in a timely manner.

For more information about our maintenance and repair services, contact us HERE.

And to learn more about our Professional Roof Inspection Maintenance Evaluation (PRIME) Program, click HERE.


Time Change = Safety Check


Jason Wiklund Promoted to Sr. Cooperative Programs Specialist