Consequence of Ponding Water on your Roof

We are Commercial Roofing and Waterproofing Specialists here at Wayne’s Roofing, with over 50 Years of experience.

Establishing a program of regular inspections and performing routine maintenance is the key to maximizing roof performance and avoiding issues such as ponding water.

When properly designed, most roofs – even flat roofs – have enough slope to drain water after a rain or snow event. Additionally, evaporation helps to dry the roofs. So, if you have water that remains on a roof 48 hours after a rain, you most likely have “ponding water,” and all that comes with it.

When left unaddressed, ponding water will eventually start to break down your roof system and weaken its performance attributes. What other consequences can you expect from ponding water?


Weeds, grasses, algae and other vegetation thrive from excess moisture on the roof, which can lead to debris that clogs roof drains and causes further problems.


Water attracts insects. Commonly mosquitos, but there can be others. Worst case is when these insects move from the roof to inside the building, adding complications and cost to exterminate them.


Ponding water attracts birds, and with birds come nests, unwanted noise, excrement and debris.


Ponding water will discolor a roof over time, particularly a white roof. This can cause problems to a roof’s reflectivity not to mention less attractive.


Ice formations from ponding water can cause physical damage to the membrane caused by freeze-thaw cycles.

It’s always wise to schedule semi-annual inspections with a trusted roof technician. And while they’re there, make sure they not only assess your roof’s condition, but review the various options to remedy any problem areas, such as ponding water, before they worsen in both condition and cost to fix them.

Wayne’s Roofing is one of the best installers of commercial roofing materials in the Pacific Northwest. We pride ourselves on providing personalized service and quality workmanship to our clients. This approach has served as the foundation of the development of our maintenance program called, PRIME.

Learn more about Professional Roof Inspection Maintenance Evaluation (PRIME) Program HERE.


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